Hello Again

Every time I try to begin writing, it seems, something happens. This past time, I had a heart attack. Then, my lap top died. I sold my house. Now, in the midst of a worldwide pandemic on a borrowed laptop, I am socially distancing (isolating?) myself with a cat in a 745 square foot condo, feeling like time is dragging by ever so slowly as I attempt to amuse myself.

What have you done so far? I have re-watched the entire series of The Crown, all of the Lord of The Rings movies, started on The Avengers, rearranged my kitchen cupboards, and perfected training the cat how to play fetch. Well. We are still working on that. I have coloured and sent postcards, nursed a back that decided to be feisty after I coughed ever so slightly, and recovered from a NON Covid-19 virus.

Let's just say I am doing the best I can to keep boredom at bay. I do have a can of paint and the supplies to re-paint the trim in this place, although it hasn't quite gotten to that point yet. I am drinking more coffee, eating more chips, and trying to stay informed but not enough that I want to run screaming from the room in terror. There is a fine, line, isn't there? I mean it's good to be informed, but at some point the numbers of how many people have covid 19 and the death numbers, along with reports that we may have to live with this until the summer, is a little daunting.

How are you staying sane? I have decided to dust this place off and do some writing. I am not promising anything, because as I've said any time I try to write life always throws a curve ball, but we shall see. In the meantime this place isn't going to look pretty or polished, or have great SEO because I really don't care about numbers (also my desktop isn't really working). I am going it old school-back to when we wrote about our lives and there was no sponsored posts or advertising. My photos are going to be awful because a) I let my Flickr account lapse and b) my camera isn't working, so you may just get whatever I can muster with my phone. We'll figure it out.

We can do this. Together.


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